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Serpil Cicek, Agentur Direktion


geboren in Duisburg, studiert an der AMD Düsseldorf - Modejournalismus / Medienkommunikation mit den Schwerpunkten:

Journalismus, Medien, PR & (Visuelle) Kommunikation 

Hauptschlagader: Marketing 360° / ID AGENT

Experience: >15 Jahre


Kreative Sprachjongleure, Digital-Pioniere, Verkaufsmaster und Event-Besessene, Logo-Pixel-Reiter, Kampagnen-Streiter, Wedding-Planner, Produkt/Marken Entwickler, Visionäre und Besser Macher.

The Person behind Concept No 7 is an individual: A constructor with many minds and faces. She studied fashion journalism and media communication at amd / Akademie Mode & Design, the renowned and certified institute in Düsseldorf. She majored in Marketing, Communication and Brand Management. She considers these areas pillars of her life and lifestyle. Her faith. Her trust. Her reasons for comprehensions and thankfulness. Her ID's are german and turkish. This cultural mix hast always been a central topic for her. It is also a decision for her to be.

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